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The Book of Dreams and Ghosts by Andrew Lang online

The Book of Dreams and Ghosts by Andrew Lang


{155b} L'Homme Posthume.

{155c} Denny's Folklore of China.

{156} Story received in a letter from Lieutenant --- of H.M.S gunboat ---.

{157} He fought at Culloden, of course for King George, and was appealed to for protection by old Glengarry.

{158a} Fox's hole.

{158b} How did Inverawe get leave to wear the Highland dress?

{160} In every version of the story that I have heard or read Ticonderoga is called St. Louis, and Inverawe was ignorant of its other name. Yet in all the histories of the war that I have seen, the only name given to the place is Ticonderoga. There is no mention of its having a French name. Even if Inverawe knew the fort they were to storm was called Ticonderoga, he cannot have known it when the ghost appeared to him in Scotland. At that time there was not even a fort at Ticonderoga, as the French only erected it in 1756. Inverawe had told his story to friends in Scotland before the war broke out in America, so even if in 1758 he did know the real name of the fort that the expedition was directed against, I don't see that it lessens the interest of the story.--E. A. C.

The French really called the place Fort Carillon, which disguised the native name Ticonderoga. See Memoirs of the Chevalier Johnstone.--A. L.

{162} Abercromby's force consisted of the 27th, 42nd, 44th, 46th, 55th, and battalions of the 60th Royal Americans, with about 9000 Provincials and a train of artillery. The assault, however, took place before the guns could come up, matters having been hastened by the information that M. de Levy was approaching with 3000 French troops to relieve Ticonderoga garrison.

{177a} I know one inveterate ghost produced in an ancient Scottish house by these appliances.--A. L.

{177b} Such events are common enough in old tales of haunted houses.

{177c} This lady was well known to my friends and to Dr. Ferrier. I also have had the honour to make her acquaintance.

{179} Apparently on Thursday morning really.

{182} She gave, not for publication, the other real names, here altered to pseudonyms.

{186} Phantasms, ii., 202. {188a} Maspero, Etudes Egyptiennes, i., fascic. 2.

{188b} Examples cited in Classical Review, December, 1896, pp. 411, 413.

{188c} Proceedings, S.P.R., vol. xii., p. 45-116.

{189} See "Lord St. Vincent's Story".

{190} Anecdote received from the lady.

{191} Story at second-hand.

{192} See The Standard for summer, 1896.

{196} I have once seen this happen, and it is a curious thing to see, when on the other side of the door there is nobody.

{198a} S.P.R., iii., 115, and from oral narrative of Mr. and Mrs. Rokeby. In 1885, when the account was published, Mr. Rokeby had not yet seen the lady in grey. Nothing of interest is known about the previous tenants of the house.

{198b} Proceedings, S.P.R., vol. viii., p. 311. {199} Letter of 31st January, 1884.

{200} Six separate signed accounts by other witnesses are given. They add nothing more remarkable than what Miss Morton relates. No account was published till the haunting ceased, for fear of lowering the letting value of Bognor House.

{201} Mr. A. H. Millar's Book of Glamis, Scottish History Society.

{202} This account is abridged from Mr. Walter Leaf's translation of Aksakoff's Predvestniki Spiritizma, St. Petersburg, 1895. Mr. Aksakoff publishes contemporary letters, certificates from witnesses, and Mr. Akutin's hostile report. It is based on the possibility of imitating the raps, the difficulty of locating them, and the fact that the flying objects were never seen to start. If Mrs. Shchapoff threw them, they might, perhaps, have occasionally been seen to start. S.P.R., vol. xii., p. 298. Precisely similar events occurred in Russian military quarters in 1853. As a quantity of Government property was burned, official inquiries were held. The reports are published by Mr. Aksakoff. The repeated verdict was that no suspicion attached to any subject of the Czar.
